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Han Yang, self-defined as a enthusiast in Computer Graphics, Game development and System building

Here are some of my works regarding graphics, game development and programming

A Nanite implementation in Vulkan


A standalone virtual geometry rendering pipeline in Vulkan

(Vulkan, Geometry Processing, GPU Driven Pipeline)


Varying roughness on microfacet heights


A shader node in maya implementing SIGGRAPH 2023 paper

Monte Carlo Path Tracing on GPU

CUDA Path Tracer

Path tracing with the power of GPU multithreading.

(CUDA, C++, Path Tracing)


From forward to deferred

A mini render engine

Here is development trajectory of a mini render engine of which most parts of rendering function developed by me

(OpenGL, C++, Realtime Rendering)

Global illumination on the fly without pre-computation

Realtime Global Illumination

Try to implement two different Realtime GI algorithm

(OpenGL, C++, Global Illumination)


Ins and outs of human-skin rendering

Realtime Skin rendering

Try to emulate a realistic human skin in realtime by OpenGL

(OpenGL, C++, Skin shading)

A Unity 3D Rendering Quest

Realtime Ocean Rendering

Here are my attempts to render realistically-looking ocean

(Unity, Compute Shader, Fast Fourier Transform)


Utilizing a modern graphics API

Vulkan Projects

Fed up with fuzzy graphics API? Try Vulkan!

(Vulkan, PBR, Variable Rate Shading)

Reducing # of triangles

Mesh Reduction

Too much triangles to draw? Try reducing them!

(C++, Geometry Processing)


A Unity 3D Action Game

Immortal Counterpart

Try to learn unity in 4 days and make a action game in a week

(Unity, C#)

Exploring tessellatation and geometry shader 

Bushy Surface Rendering

Bushy surface like grass or fur can animate the scene and character, here are a few techniques to approximate them

(Unity, Geometry Shader)


Bedrock of Internet Connection

A toy TCP-IP

Try to create an implementation that connect with any implementation around the world

(C++, Computer Networks)

Research Works

Here are some of my research work

Stationary photo

bdwhst's portfolio

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